Evan was purchased by Shannon Davis as a hunter/fox hunter in 2014 and lived with Mo Babtiste in her gorgeous barn in Middleburg, VA at MB Stables. Even though Evan was happy fox hunting with Shannon in the Virginia countryside, he excelled in the show hunter ring performing successfully in the prestigious Upperville Horse Show with Mo as rider/trainer against some of the top show hunters. Evan was recently sold and is now living in Wellington, FL and strutting his stuff in the hunter ring. We couldn’t be more pleased with this horses’ success. Go Evan!
Strawberry Poptart
Ms. Poptart lives in Unionville and ridden by owner, Charlie, in events and fox hunts in Pa. We so appreciate the trust of former owner, Krista Baker, in finding the perfect pony the perfect home with Adrienne Iorio and her family. This team has quite the local following and life is good. Go Poptart!
Our very special “Petey” was bred in Canada out of top TB bloodlines, purchased in South Carolina, re-retrained in Pennsylvania and now lives with Krista Baker in PA. Petey was one of those special TB’s that come along very rarely – fabulous temperament, very athletic, stunning and so easy to train in every way. He always tries 100 % and always happy to work with in the barn. Krista recently sent us new photo of Petey. She purchased Petey from us as a 4 year old and has done a super job training this talented guy. Petey is now 7 years old and doing very well in the TB hunter classes. Looking great Krista and thank you for the update!
Zander and his owner continue to progress, in 2016 they were 13th out of 79 at the Marshall & Sterling finals and 11th out of 57 in the Equitation finals. Thank you for selling him to us!
Update! Well my student was 13th out of 79 horses at Marshall Sterling finals in the hunters and 11th out 57+ in the Equitation Class. Thank you! – August Torsilieri, NJ
Reilly is living in beautiful Chester Co, PA with his new owner. Donna reports Reilly has a new name “Vino” and sent us a picture of him meeting his new brother “Tequila” (hmmm, I sense a trend developing). “Vino has acclimated well to his new life, doing great in lessons, very happy and loved. He was recently completed at the Plantation Field Fall 2016 Quadrille Expedition and was fabulous!” – Donna Sharr, PA
Paddington is the quintessential fox hunter is enjoying a fabulous home with his owner, Mr. Dick Veits, in Middleburg VA. They make quite a statement in the hunt field and very well matched.
Fred and Nelson are having a super time together with Golden’s Bridge Hounds and we continue to hear glowing reports of this special horse. Teal, who referred Fred to High Valley, wrote recently with this update, “Nelson was absolutely adorable at our Hunter Trials [Reserve Champions] and is doing a beautiful job of taking care of Fred.”